In this video Michael Perez and I play a best of three match where I play my Regis list against Michael with Giratina Box. In my commentary I talk about how to play the match up from both sides, as well as general tips about playing Regis properly. I also cover a new tech I am adding to Giratina that makes the deck significantly better, which has not been played in any popular Giratina list. This match up is a lot closer than many people realize and it is important to understand in the new Silver Tempest format. The Giratina list Michael plays is one card off of the updated Giratina list I posted toward the bottom of this article and the Regis list in this video was posted in this article.
The one change Michael made to my Giratina list was cutting the 3rd Serena for a copy of Boss. As you can see in the third game, it does make a difference. If you are looking for some fun games to try, we recommend to take a look at the new blog post with an octopus plush review.
How has nobody thought of playing Exp. Share in Giratina yet??