I try to always post my lists before events that I attend. I am between a few decks for EUIC and the event is rapidly approaching. If I could post my 60 and say I am definitely playing it, then I would. Instead you will find multiple lists bellow. I really have no idea which one I will chose yet.
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[Day of event update] At midnight last night the team came to the conclusion that Giratina is the play. We’re playing a list similar to the one that I posted in my Giratina article, but with a Tropius rather than Snorlax and a 4-4-4 Energy line. Extra Grass becomes more important with Tropius in the deck. It is 6:52 AM as I write this. I was not expecting us to switch to Tina, but the Lugia match up is what convinced us.
Pokémon – 13 | Trainers – 36 | Energy – 11 | |||||||
4 | Comfey | 4 | Colress | 4 | Battle VIP Pass | 6 | Water | ||
3 | Goodra V | 3 | Boss | 4 | Escape Rope | 5 | Metal | ||
3 | Goodra VStar | 2 | Melony | 4 | Switch | ||||
1 | Cramorant | 1 | Roxanne | 3 | Mirage Gate | ||||
1 | Radiant Greninja | 3 | Nest Ball | ||||||
1 | Drapion V | 2 | Beach Court | 2 | Ultra Ball | ||||
2 | Pokegear 3.0 | ||||||||
1 | Choice Belt | ||||||||
1 | Heavy Ball | ||||||||
Goodra is the deck I have tested least; by tested least, I mean I literally have played zero games with it. However, it has the best win rate according to play Limitless once you crunch the numbers not accounting for ties. This is pretty much a starting list with nothing spicy. I am only posting it here because I might find enough time to test the deck and run with it. Right now it seems very strong. Favorable Lugia and Lost Box match ups.
[April 12th update]
I do not think Choice Belt is needed. I like playing extra Water in this deck. 2nd Roxanne is a consideration and a single V-Guard might have utility. The deck feels very consistent, probably the most consistent Lost Box deck I have ever played.
Pokémon – 16 | Trainers – 31 | Energy – 11 | |||||||
3 | Ralts (ASR) | 3 | Temple of Sinnoh | 4 | Battle VIP Pass | 11 | Energy | ||
1 | Ralts (STM) | 4 | Fog Crystal | ||||||
4 | Kirlia (STM) | 3 | Judge | 4 | Level Ball | ||||
2 | Gardevoir | 1 | Worker | 2 | Ultra Ball | ||||
2 | Gardevoir ex | 1 | Klara | 2 | Rare Candy | ||||
1 | Zacian V | 1 | Boss’s Orders | 1 | Heavy Ball | ||||
1 | Mew | 1 | Serena | 1 | Rescue Carrier | ||||
1 | Manaphy | 1 | Roxanne | 1 | Pal Pad | ||||
1 | Radiant Greninja | 1 | Sky Seal Stone | ||||||
Yes, that is a 58 card list. There are two cards in this deck that I cannot disclose. The reason for this is the idea is not my own. A teammate came up with a way that this deck can beat Lost Box almost every time. The two cards missing from this list are the cards that make Lost Box a favorable match up. If you really think about it, you can probably figure it out, however I have not seen any lists circulating online that are playing the two cards. If you consider the real reason why Gardevoir normally loses to Lost Box (any variant), then the answer might seem more obvious than you might think. I am not talking about Klefki, however you could use those two slots on a Hatterene V and a Klefki, which also improves the Lost Box match up, especially in a build like this one that plays three Judge.
With triple Sinnoh, triple Judge, and Roxanne, I believe this list is favored against Lugia. It is not a super favorable match up with those cards, but in my opinion you will win more than you lose. I view Gardevoir as a deck that should take advantage of cards that slow other decks down or limit their options. Because it is a slower deck, you need to have several cards that inhibit your opponent to slow them down early on, and can limit your opponent’s option later in a game.
On a side note, I have actually never used the Memory Skip Ralts to attack, so it may just be better as the Teleport Ralts because the 70 HP is important against Lost Box.
[April 12th update] Gardevoir just feels like a pile too much of the time. I tried playing three Research and still had issues with consistency. Pretty sure I am simply going to put this deck on the back-burner for now. I will say that if you intend to play Gardevoir, three Sinnoh is actually not realistic. You will need to drop down to two copies to fit in another draw Supporter. If there is any way you can find space for more Ball cards, then go ahead and make that a priority. I ended up cutting the 3rd Judge, 3rd Sinnoh, and 2nd Rare Candy for three Research. A couple ideas I want to test out are Capturing Aroma, and Radiant Jirachi. Obviously the draw power of Greninja is very helpful, but you can just use Refinement and Ultra Balls to discard Psychic Energy, and once Jirachi is knocked you are getting the perfect three cards to set up your board.
Pokémon – 20 | Trainers – 26 | Energy – 14 | |||||||
4 | Lugia V | 2 | Mesagoza | 4 | Capturing Aroma | 4 | Single Strike Energy | ||
4 | Lugia VStar | 1 | Collapsed Stadium | 4 | Ultra Ball | 3 | Double Turbo | ||
4 | Archeops | 3 | Urn of Vitality | 3 | V-Guard | ||||
1 | Archen | 4 | Professor’s Research | 1 | Nest Ball | 3 | Gift | ||
1 | Tyraniter V | 2 | Judge | 1 | Regenerative | ||||
1 | Stonjourner | 2 | Boss’s Orders | ||||||
2 | Lumineon V | 1 | Serena | ||||||
1 | Pumpkaboo | 1 | Roxanne | ||||||
1 | Radiant Tsareena | 1 | Professor Burnet | ||||||
1 | Yveltal | ||||||||
If I were to play a more normal version of Lugia, then it would be this build, however I really like the version I cam up with, that Hunter posted on the site recently.
Pokémon – 20 | Trainers – 26 | Energy – 14 | |||||||
4 | Lugia V | 4 | Professor’s Research | 4 | Ultra Ball | 4 | Single Strike | ||
4 | Lugia Vstar | 2 | Boss’s Orders | 4 | Capturing Aroma | 3 | Gift | ||
4 | Archeops | 2 | Zinnia’s Resolve | 3 | Urn Of Vitality | 3 | V-Guard | ||
1 | Tyranitar V SS | 1 | Serena | 2 | Pokegear 3.0 | 3 | Double Turbo | ||
1 | Lumineon V | 1 | Judge | 1 | Regenerative | ||||
1 | Stonjourner SS | 2 | Mesagoza | ||||||
1 | Yveltal SS | 1 | Collapsed Stadium | ||||||
1 | Pumpkaboo | ||||||||
1 | Radiant Tsareena | ||||||||
1 | Archen | ||||||||
The whole concept for this build is centered around the idea that Research is broken in Lugia and the deck should use it as much as it can. Zinnia is there because the deck can only play 4 Research and Zinnia will provide a similar effect when you cannot use Research. I couldn’t play Quick Ball in the deck anymore, and the next best thing for me has been to increase my ability to use Supporters to discard Archeops. You also will notice that both lists play an Archen. Michael Perez came up with this idea. Basically you can just discard Archen, Summon it instead of Archeops and simply evolve it on the following turn. You always want to get two Archeops into play and Lugia lists would benefit from more than four copies if they could play more, so the Archen is essentially just a fifth Archeops.
Pokémon – 15 | Trainers – 33 | Energy – 12 | |||||||
4 | Comfey | 2 | Beach Court | 4 | Battle VIP Pass | 4 | Water | ||
2 | Cramorant | 4 | Mirage Gate | 4 | Metal | ||||
2 | Sableye | 4 | Colress’s Experiment | 4 | Switch Cart | 3 | Psychic | ||
1 | Zamazenta | 2 | Klara | 4 | Escape Rope | 1 | Lightning | ||
1 | Drapion V | 1 | Boss’s Orders | 3 | Nest Ball | ||||
1 | Raikou V | 2 | Energy Recycler | ||||||
1 | Klefki | 1 | Sky Seal Stone | ||||||
1 | Hawlucha | 1 | Pokegear 3.0 | ||||||
1 | Radiant Greninja | 1 | Hisuian Heavy Ball | ||||||
1 | Manaphy | ||||||||
I might try to fit a Switch in here just as one extra way to move Comfey. This is the deck I have tested the most. I like it a lot. The only concern I have is that I feel the Lugia match up is too close for comfort. I really want to beat Lugia consistently and I am worried that a Lugia player who has multiple techs for Lost Box will be a problem for me. I tried out Tropius today, cutting the Sky Stone and Klefki for Tropius and a Grass. It didn’t work well for me. It’s just clunky playing two one-of Energy and another one-of attacker. This deck beats other Lost Box decks. Do not underestimate the power of Klefki. This is my comfort deck. It is my most refined list and the deck I would enjoy playing most. If the event was tomorrow, I would probably play this. Luckily, it is the day after tomorrow, so I have more time to test!
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