This article is 2,565 words on Lost Box. I will be playing either Turbo Lost Box or Lost Box Kyogre at NAIC and this article details those decks in the Paldea Evolved format.
I believe Lost Box was the best deck before the release of Paldea Evolved, and this new set release does not change that. Lost Box can be structured to beat anything. Recently the idea that Gardevoir has about a 50/50 with Lost Box has been gaining some traction. I could not be less convinced. The new problem people have with Lost Box in this format stems from a fear of Iono, which Gardevoir decks can use six times in one game. Without a solid on-board engine, I can understand how players would feel like the deck has a flimsy late-game. We know that Lost Box does not like having its hand disrupted, so it is understandable to think that Gardevoir decks can win simply through playing four Iono and Pal Pad. It is not a problem, if the deck is built properly for this new format.
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