Hello, Cut or Tap readers! This is my debut article for this website, and I am excited to go over my latest tournament run at the North American International Championships, where I finished in the Top 8 out of 1,897 Masters. In this event, I played “Dumbreon” (Arceus, Duraludon, Umbreon) and finished with the record 12-4-0 throughout 16 rounds, including Top Cut.
Deck List Selection and Creation
I chose to play Dumbreon since I believed that it had a good matchup against Gardevoir ex, Turbo Lost Box, and Mew (the 3 decks that I expected to see the most). On top of that, I have been playing this deck at my past two events (Hartford and Milwaukee) and have gotten Day 2 at both of them. This deck was also a comfort pick for me since I knew the deck in and out, and I knew all of the matchups very well.
One of the main cards in the list that surprised a lot of people is Panic Mask. I played it because it makes my Gardevoir ex matchup even more favored, and it allowed me to do some pretty cool Mean Look plays from Umbreon V against a bunch of different decks.
After upgrading to Stage 2 you will see the rest of Christian’s article, an audio file of Andy Hyun narrating this article, and a PTCGL friendly deck export here:
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Vs Gardi do you bother to bench the dura’s or just play off the arc and umbs? also gratz on a great run
LaBella had the following response: “I usually would like to avoid benching the duras but in some cases you have to. Dura is not a bad attacker in the matchup since a dura with a panic mask on it is very hard to get knocked out”.