Hello, Cut or Tap readers! Day 1 Worlds is a super weird event to prepare for, and a lot of people will be playing top meta decks like Arceus Duraludon Umberon, or Giratina Lost Zone Box. While these decks are all very powerful, and great calls, my favorite way to play the game is with off-meta decks. While this may seem risky going into the most important event of the year, playing an unpopular or rogue deck can result in some great finishes. In this article, I will go over why rogue decks can work well at the World Championship, as well as go over some archetypes that could have some deep runs at the event.
Notes on Rogue
Before going into the specifics, I’m going to go over some of the key concepts to keep in mind when deciding to go rogue. First, it’s important to be brutally honest with yourself, asking the key questions: can you actually beat these meta decks, and can you do it consistently? Analyzing decks like this is what led me to play Mewtwo to Toronto, or scrap many different control/counter piles over the years. Something else to think about is how many spots you can dedicate to a certain matchup without sacrificing others. A commonality in off-meta decks is having very little space or flex spots to work with, so ultimately, matchups need to be sacked.
After upgrading to Stage 2 you will see the rest of Piper Lepine’s article and a PTCGL friendly deck export at the bottom of the article (an audio recording of this article by Andy Hyun will be added when he returns from his vacation):
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