Howdy! As many of you know, I have decided to take this season off. I simply do not have enough time to start a home improvement business and go for my 8th Worlds invite. Still, I will play in Sacramento Regionals, seeing as I live in Sacramento, and I have been preparing for the event. Peoria is of course happening before then, so any of you who are attending that event might gain something from reading this piece.
As far as I can tell, the only cards in 151 that likely will see success are Charizard ex and Mew ex. I am not saying there aren’t any other good cards in the set, but if we are being honest with ourselves, those are probably the only two that are genuinely impactful. That being said, the following cards are worth looking at.
- Zubat
- Gloom/Vileplume
- Alakazam ex (with walls)
- Weezing (bring spread back?)
- Ditto (pseudo 5th Comfey)
- Zapdos ex (in Miraidon)
- Safety Goggles
- Big Balloon (Air Balloon for Gardevoir decks)
- Cycling Road
- Daisy’s Help
- Wigglytuff ex (w/ Wigglytuff PAL & Cheren’s Care)
- Giovanni’s Charisma
- Erika’s Invitation
After upgrading to Stage 2 you will see the rest of Phinnegan Lynch’s article and an audio recording of this article by Andy Hyun:
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