Welcome back, Cut or Tap readers! With Sacramento in the rearview mirror and a few Regionals already behind us this season, it will soon be time to prepare for the release of Paradox Rift, which becomes legal starting at LAIC in a month’s time. Before that, however, we still have a big event left in North America: Toronto Regionals.
Throughout this format, we have seen different decks succeed, and one deck that I have been liking recently is Turbo Lost Box. I will go further into my reasoning for the deck later in the article, but the deck has many strong matchups and you will not often sit down across from something you don’t have a decent chance of beating.
Today, I will talk about my current list for the deck, as well as elaborate on specific cards and potential changes that could be made based on matchups and meta progression.
After upgrading to Stage 2 you will see the rest of Andrew Hedrick’s article and an audio recording of this article by Andy Hyun:
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Hey andrew, great article. I do wonder with all the uptick in lost box there will probably be more urs/intel. What are your typical lines of play when playing that deck with this list! Thank you!
Hey! What I usually do is try to kill their Remoraid(s) as soon as they are on the board in the early game, this limits their options quite a bit. Raikou can also take an easy 3 prizes on Inteleon VMax later in the game, but keep in mind Urshifu can easily KO it. Avoid using Dragonite unless you absolutely have to since it puts damage on your bench. You can also use your switch carts to heal off the damage they try to set up on your bench, so saving those is nice. Echo Horn back a Remoraid to kill it with Sableye can also sometimes get you the one extra prize you need to close out the game.