I most recently got back from the Peoria Regional Championships, placing 38th out of over 1700 players, and I was able to collect a lot of data on the format, heading into the next major event: Sacramento Regionals!
What’s up, everyone! SmartTCG here, and I am stoked to be writing another article for you all! Peoria Regionals just wrapped up, with Raymond Long taking down the Regional, and the meta has once again begun to morph. Raymond ended up playing Lost Zone Toolbox, paired up with Zamazenta and Kyogre. Zamazenta is a card that has seen very little play recently, so it came as a big surprise to many. We also saw Jac Carter place second with a Turbo Lost Box variant, which I personally still favor in a metagame like this. The Miraidon effect continues to sweep American Regionals, with two placing in the Top 8 as well, with JW placing Top 4, and Jesse placing in the Top 8. Rowan Stavenow also played an incredibly interesting Mew VMAX deck, which we will touch on shortly. Overall, this Top 8 was wild, and very unexpected. This has left many feeling completely lost, and today I am going to try my best to convince you on my favorite deck that I have been working on. First off, let’s take a dive into Charizard ex heading into Sacramento!
After upgrading to Stage 2 you will see the rest of Gabriel Smart’s article and an audio recording of this article by Andy Hyun:
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Thoughts on rad tserena over the rad zard for the lb match up
Sorry I missed this. I prefer Radiant Zard for the the Miraidon and Chien Pao matchup.