Welcome back, Cut or Tap readers! With the conclusion of the previous format at Toronto Regionals, it is now time to turn the page with the release of Paradox Rift. In just a week, our first event of the new format (LAIC) will take place in Sao Paulo, Brazil. This set adds new archetypes to the game as well as many upgrades to existing decks, so there will certainly be a shakeup in the meta.
I have been trying out and testing some of the new cards, and one that I have found to be among the best is Counter Catcher. Being able to either set up your board or disrupt your opponent while bringing up anything on their board in the same turn is generally incredibly powerful, and there are a couple of decks that can take advantage of it. The deck I want to talk about today is Giratina VStar, a deck that benefits significantly from the additional options that Counter Catcher provides and also has good matchups against some of the decks that are expected to be most popular. I will talk about my current list for the deck, as well as some of the common strategies and potential changes that can be made.
Before we go further, here is my current list for Giratina VStar:
After upgrading to Stage 2 you will see the rest of Andrew Hedrick’s article and an audio recording of this article by Andy Hyun:
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