The future is now, subs! Welcome back to another article, where I’ll be going over some new and interesting topics concerning the Paradox Rift Standard format. This piece will detail some of the biggest meta changes, cards that influence it, and my personal Roaring Moon list. We will also briefly go over a tier list for this new format, with some predictions for LAIC. I’m writing this piece a week before attending LAIC and have been testing this format for almost a month. With that being said, I feel quite confident in my opinions and ideas of successful decks. LAIC is one of my more memorable events; I went to the first LAIC, and I will never forget how great the weather and food were. Brand new format tournaments are my favorite as a rogue deck player, so hopefully I don’t disappoint! Without further intro, lets get into the first predicament of this new format.
Iron Hands ex
Our “Future” elephant in the room requires immediate questions answered for how this meta is going to shape up. For those who have lived under a rock for the last two months, I’m speaking about Iron Hands ex. As a reference, Iron Hands ex is a 230 HP, Basic Pokemon, with two attacks. The first attack is irrelevant besides in Miraidon ex decks, while the second attack is what’s causing a ruckus.
After upgrading to Stage 2 you will see the rest of Hunter Butler’s article and an audio recording of this article by Andy Hyun:
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Great article! No love for Kyogre? 🙁