Paradox Rift is the brand new set to come out, and the Pokemon TCG may never be the same. With the new set’s arrival, the game is feeling fresh again, and there are so many intriguing combinations of cards you can pair with each other. The Latin American International Championships just occurred this past weekend, where we saw Miraidon take down the entire event. This came to a shock for many, but this was actually a deck that I was testing for quite some time leading up into LAIC. I ended up scrapping the deck on Wednesday before the event because of its abysmal Mew VMAX matchup, but in reality, I think I should have just taken the loss, and focused on beating everything else. Juho Kallama is your first International Champion of the year, and Miraidon is back on top of the world. Lets take a dive into what happened at LAIC, and where this will take us.
What Happened to Roaring Moon?
The Latin American Championships were one of the most difficult events I personally have ever prepared for. With such an influential set releasing, it made it very difficult to decipher exactly what decks were good and what decks were being overhyped. For months, Roaring Moon was hyped up as a future Tier 1 deck, even myself ranking it very highly on tier lists. After testing, though, it became evident that the deck had consistency issues, linearity issues, and just overall was not strong enough. I know it’s still early in this format, but I have seen enough to determine the deck will most likely not be a threat for future events with how it is constructed as of right now. I think as time goes on, and the deck gets more cards, then it will have potential to shine, but as of right now its linearity is killing the deck.
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