Welcome back, Subscribers! San Antonio Regionals has just concluded, crowning Azul GG a six-time Regional Champion with his straightforward Charizard ex/Pidegot ex variant. From new decks to old, we’ve seen this meta take some twists and turns since its release. This time we’ll go over how some of these top decks have adapted to the new meta, while also taking a look at newer decks – what do these new decks possess that gives them a chance to dethrone the old? We’ll dive into how the meta is shaping up and where my new Tier List lands. Lets get right into it!
Miraidon ex
Im going to work my way back from LAIC forward to San Antonio, starting with a deck I thought to be very luck-based but has surprised me with its results. Miraidon ex upon release saw little to no play, but once Paradox Rift gave us Iron Hands ex, this no-brainer improvement gave the deck new life. I’ve stated this before: in newer formats, especially the first tournament in these formats, consistent and streamlined decks tend to fare the best, because everyone trying newer concepts likely have not perfected the archetype.
After upgrading to Stage 2 you will see the rest of Hunter Butler’s article and an audio recording of this article by Andy Hyun:
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