Gardevoir ex has been one of the most dominant decks since its release in Scarlet and Violet. As one of the most rewarding and punishing decks in the format, it has made itself one of the most infamous decks of the past year. I have been on an absolute tear with the deck recently. In the past four events I have played Gardevoir, I have placed Top 8 twice, Top 16, and Top 64 with the deck. This deck has netted a large portion of points for me, and I plan to continue riding the deck until the wheels fall off. I plan to go over rotation decks soon, and am stoked to take a dive into those as we approach the brand new format.
With that being said though, we still have some events coming up in this format! I most recently placed 6th out of over 1300 players at the most recent Dortmund Regionals with Gardevoir. I will be going over the list I played, and my updated list for Vancouver. I have noticed people have also asked for more in-depth matchup game plans, which I plan to provide in this article today. Lets hop into it!
First off, here is the list, and the matchups I played during the event:
Gardevoir for Germany
This list took me to 11-1-3 in swiss before eventually falling to the deck that ended up getting second place – Gholdengo ex. I did not draw amazing in top cut, so I am not too upset about my end result. I decided to play Gardevoir due to the rise of Charizard and Roaring Moon. Â Charizard has consistently been seeing the most play out of any meta deck, and Roaring Moon spiking in play after its consistent performances recently at Regionals made Gardevoir seem like the perfect pick. We saw at Knoxville Regionals with Ryan winning, and the deck truly seemed to be on the upswing.
After upgrading to Stage 2 you will see the rest of Gabriel Smart’s article and an audio recording of this article by Andy Hyun:
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