Hello, Cut or Tap readers! I just got back from an 18th place finish at the Knoxville Regional Championships with Lost Zone Box! I’ve been playing a ton of Lost Zone decks recently, such as the Groudon/Roaring Moon build for San Antonio, as well as testing a ton of Tina. However for this event, I went with a build utilizing Super Effective Glasses to take advantage of the common weaknesses of the meta – namely Dark, Grass and Lightning. In this article, I will go over some basic tips for how to build your board and play the deck, provide some insights on my list decisions, and go over how I approached the matchups I was paired against at Knoxville.
Basic Tips
My main draw to this list over other builds of Lost Box was the interesting game states you can achieve, only needing seven cards in the Lost Zone, due to the omission of Sableye. This allowed me to play boards with only one or two Comfey in play, especially when I went second, as coupled with Colress’s Experiment and Lost Vacuum, I was able to easily get to the Mirage Gate threshold. This low-Comfey board state is a key concept to keep in mind, as it mainly allows you to cut Manaphy and Jirachi, getting two spaces to toy around with, compared to other Lost Box decks. Since you don’t play Sableye, and are limiting your bench, your opponent cannot always effectively use Radiant Greninja and Sableye for multi prize turns, which is one of the ways I was able to have such a positive record against Giratina at the event. Besides this, as you have a smaller bench, you leave more options open to you, such as benching your attacker and Galarian Moltres V, allowing you to Forest Seal Stone for a combo piece you need, or even start setting up an additional attacker with Direflame Wings.
After upgrading to Stage 2 you will see the rest of Piper Lepine’s article and an audio recording of this article by Andy Hyun:
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Hi, good trhed have some questions:
1.can u explain to me more about the low confey play? like example of boards agains x ot y mu? like if u are benching only one comfey what are the other pokemons u are benching? how u can lost 7 card in your first turn if u dont bench 3 comfeys?
2. U mentioned some “combos” like tropius combo, or sealing stone combo. what are these combos? i do not get it.
3. here in brazil gardevoir is the most common deck, what makes u suggest to I made in order to beat them?
thank you
1. So basically against Tina I could play a board with 2 comfey, cram, radiant greninja, then if they Cram one of my comfey, the cannot use moonlight shuriken to take 2 prizes. With this base Board, I will play down alternative attackers as I see fit, in order to respond to the threats my opponent is presenting. You shouldn’t need to dig for Turn 1 7 in the LZ, and you can comfortably set this up over 2 turns.
2. Tropius combo is just Tropius attack with Glasses to ko Zard/Moon with Caspule. Seal stone isn’t really a combo but moreso a way to make combos a bit easier as you are just getting any piece from your deck, but it does require benching moltres V, which you can accelerate to using dire flame wings, building up a second threat, besides whatever you are attacking with on the given turn.
3. Id say the big key to beating gardy is being able to use a second Iron Hands, which is currently difficult to do. In order to move towards this gameplan, I have added a Thorton and Gift energy. The dream here is to have iron hands active, Raihan for gift, attach gift then mirage gate to it, as well as a moltres v with forest seal stone. The. You can dire flame wings and potentially use a second gate to set it up to 3-4 energy. On the next turn, after gardy uses Iono, you’ll draw up to 7 with gift, then you just need to find the thorton. Depending on the meta, I would cut minior, 4th nest ball and 2nd town store for artazon thorton and gift energy. The nest ball for artazon change is nice as it compensates for taking out a stadium, without lowering overall consistency. If your meta has more miraidon or snorlax, keep minior and cut 2nd pokegear or 5th dark.
Hope this helps!
Hey Piper!
Thanks for the great article. I used your list to get a first at a locals, and a second at a challenge. I have a cup in a few weeks and I know the local meta is very turbo LZB heavy. I am assuming that that is another bad mu for the deck as we do not have the greninja option or sableye. Is there any techs or routes for glasses against LZB or should I just play a different deck to the cup?
Thank you!
Joe Sturino