Dialga’s Time to Shine: A Look at My Winning List From Indianapolis

Hello, Cut or Tap readers! The Indianapolis Regional Championships were held two weeks ago, and I was able to take down the tournament with Dialga VStar! This was the second biggest Regionals of all time at over 2,300 players, and I had to fight through 18 rounds and many amazing players to come away with the victory, with one of the more unique and overlooked decks in the format. As I was unable to attend the European International Championships or the Orlando Regional Championships, this was my first event since the post-rotation format began, but this did give me a unique opportunity of having over a month to test for this event.

One of the players at my local store gave me a Dialga VStar list to test near the release of Temporal Forces, and while it felt there was lots of room for improvement, the deck caught my attention immediately. The potential to take an extra turn felt amazing, and Metang’s Metal Maker Ability was super interesting to use and gave underlying options that aren’t apparent at first (more on that later). Following some games with the deck, I decided that Arven and Technical Machine: Evolution weren’t allowing me to see enough cards, and I decided to make my deck more focused on Professor’s Research and Iono as the ways to set up.

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