Cut or Tap Subs, welcome back to another piece with yours truly about the Gdansk Regionals that took place this past weekend. Not only does this complete the major Regionals in the Stellar Crown format before LAIC, but it also completes just about half of the 2024-25 season. This format has had plenty of twists and turns with format giants emerging, while old friends resurged throughout the last few events. We saw in Louisville that Raging Bolt claimed its first win of the US Pokemon scene, while in back-to-back fashion Regidrago claimed the European events. This meta has seen the rise and fall of decks like Regidrago and Charizard, while decks like Lugia and Raging Bolt have continued to ooze success. This piece will go over some of the interesting decks that saw success in Gdansk, thanks to the ebb and flow of the Stellar Crown format.
Lastly, I want to give a shout out to the champion of Gdansk, Alberto Conti, an extremely consistent player who deserved a win for quite sometime. His streamed games were masterfully played and he really showed the strength of a Regidrago deck piloted by a great player. Getting back-to-back Top Cuts in this new tournament structure is a feat in itself, so congratulations to him.
Let’s jump into the first deck which has a special place in my heart, as it earned me 1/3 of my invite last year.
Lost Zone Box Groudon
This list placed 32nd, which is quite solid for a Lost Box deck in a field of 10% Regidrago in Day 2. This list is a no-frills consistent list that focuses on the basics of why Lost Box is so strong, using Sableye and Greninja to pick apart boards of low-HP Pokemon, while using Bloodmoon to take care of the high-HP Pokemon.
After upgrading to Stage 2 you will see the rest of Hunter Butler’s article and an audio recording of this article narrated by Andy Hyun:
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