Hey everyone, I’m Michael Davidson, a player for Team Dead Draw Gaming and a writer for Cut or Tap. I am a second-year master, and currently, I’m ranked 3rd in the US and Canada, and just made Asymmetrical Top Cut at Toronto Regionals with the slow variant of Gardevoir. In this article I discuss how the meta shifted to allow “Slow Gardy” to maintain a more favorable position, certain key inclusions between my list and Henry Chao’s, my Toronto Regionals run, and what possible changes could be for the deck moving forward to Birmingham and San Antonio.
Why Slow Gardy?
Since Louisville Regionals, Henry Chao’s exact Gardevoir 60, featuring multiple Rare Candies, Secret Box, and Professor’s Research, has been the most dominant version of the deck, accruing thousands of dollars in earnings, with most not even thinking of changing a card. In the previous format, with Terapagos/Dusknoir being a genuine threat in the metagame, the fast version of Gardy was almost a necessity to play. Too often, after TM Evolution-ing out two Kirlias, your opponent would be able to Prime Catcher + Dusknoir to remove both of your Kirlias from play, and their Pidgeot would prevent any serious Unfair Stamp-based comebacks, essentially necessitating you to play a Gardevoir deck that prioritized Rare Candies and on-board draw.
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