Hello Cut or Tap readers, my name is Benny Billinger, and I am a player for Dead Draw Gaming. I am a first-year Master with two Top 32’s under my belt, and I was ranked #2 globally last year in the Seniors division. Block Snorlax was a deck that helped me achieve a lot of success in Seniors, including a Regional win, a Regional Top 4, and a Top 16 at the World Championships. In the Surging Sparks format, Snorlax has seen a bit of a resurgence, thanks to fellow DDG teammate Carson Washer’s success at the Toronto Regionals. In this article, I will walk through Snorlax’s matchups, how the list came to be, and why it is one of my top choices heading into San Antonio.
Before we view the current list, we first have to go into the history of Block Snorlax and how lists have evolved. The reprint of Counter Catcher in Paradox Rift was the final piece in making Snorlax a meta-relevant deck. A majority of lists throughout this format ran Rotom V as their draw engine, as it was the easiest way to draw cards efficiently without attacking or using a Supporter. This version of Snorlax also relied more on Supporters, as a lot of the staple items we know today hadn’t been printed yet. Even with the card rotation in April, Snorlax remained fairly similar up until the release of Twilight Masquerade.
The release of Accompanying Flute was a game-changer for Snorlax, as it allowed Pokemon to be put onto the bench without using a Supporter. Even with the release of Flute, most lists still played Rotom V, as its ability to draw three every turn was unmatched. There wouldn’t be many innovations of Snorlax until the 2024 Lille Regionals, where Sander Wojcik got Top 16 with a new version of Snorlax. His list played no Rotom V, and relied on Boxed Orders and Trekking Shoes as draw support. The list itself was not perfect, but inspired many different innovations.
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