Welcome to 2025! I hope everyone had a good holiday season, and that you’re ready to get back to some Pokemon action. I have enjoyed the break from events, but I have been itching to get back to playing. 2024 was an incredible year for the Pokemon TCG that saw massive growth, and I am excited to see what happens this year. I will be attending Birmingham Regionals coming up, and I have been grinding hard for this event. I believe I have a really good read on the metagame, and I have crafted three deck lists that I will be choosing from for this event. I love all three of them, and one may come as a surprise to you!
Birmingham and Rio de Janeiro are the very first major events of the year, taking place this coming week. These will be some of the last few events before Prismatic Evolutions becomes legal next month, so the format is nearing its end. San Antonio Regionals is the week after Birmingham and Rio, which will conclude this format. Typically at the end of formats, the metagame really solidifies and you know what to expect. Below is my prediction to where I think a large percentage of the metagame will end up.
- 17% Regidrago
- 10% Gardevoir
- 9% Charizard
- 8% Raging Bolt
- 6% Archaludon
- 6% Lugia
- 5% Klawf
- 3% Dragapult
- 33% rest of the field
I think Regidrago will be by far the most played deck. In past events, Regidrago has not extended a major percentage point lead on many of the other most played decks, but I think this is the event where it does so. The deck continues to just torch the Standard format, and people are really taking notice.
Let’s hop into my top three decks for this event.
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