Hello again, Cut or Tap readers! The San Antonio Regional Championships recently concluded, and I managed to secure a Top 8 finish with Gardevoir out of over 2000 players. Unfortunately, San Antonio was the last major event before Prismatic Evolutions becomes legal, and Budew and Regigigas will completely change the metagame. In this article, I will briefly go over my San Antonio list, my concluding thoughts for that format, and then discuss the recent changes I’ve made to the deck list in order to prepare for the new Prismatic Evolutions meta.
At San Antonio I ended up playing two cards off of Henry Chao’s 12th place Toronto list. When I initially played with the exact 60, I already thought the deck was super powerful, so it probably didn’t need many changes. But the two cards I replaced were Klefki and Pal Pad, while adding in a second copy of Professor Turo’s Scenario and a Flutter Mane. The Klefki and Pal Pad were really the only two cards that stood out as mid compared to the rest, but Pal Pad especially.
The Klefki is a very situational tech card that is good against many faster decks early game, especially going first. But going into San Antonio, none of the “turbo” decks such as Raging Bolt, Roaring Moon, or Miraidon were going to be very popular, so the card would not have been a very strong tech for the weekend. I opted to play the Flutter Mane primarily due to the mirror match, since I predicted that Gardevoir would perform, but it is also solid into lots of niche matchups, and for taking two prizes with double Munkidori against evolution decks like Charizard and Dragapult. I also decided that a second Professor Turo’s Scenario would be better than Pal Pad, since a second Turo’s felt great in the matchups where you would typically attack with Gardevoir ex, which especially applies to the Regidrago matchup.
Overall, the changes I made were definitely a solid meta call for the weekend, and most definitely contributed to my success.
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