Prismatic Evolutions might not have the most playable cards, but the ones that are playable have completely warped the Pokemon TCG. If you take a look at the metagame from two weeks ago and now today, it looks completely different. Who would have thought one little grass Pokemon could change so, so much in this game. Budew has begun its takeover, and with multiple events happening this month, some of you might be in panic trying to prepare for such a drastic change. This meta change almost feels like rotation happened, even though it hasn’t even happened yet.

The Pokemon TCG is set to change quite a bit these next couple months after admittedly the game feeling a little stale. I’m excited for this change and getting many of you ready for upcoming events. Starting off, we have Merida Regionals and the Puerto Rico SPE coming up that many people are preparing for. Even if you are preparing just for EUIC or local events, this article will help you out. I have been testing pretty much all the meta decks, and today I will be going over what decks are underrated and overrated.

Typically at the beginning of formats, there are always a couple decks that people hype up that end completely tanking. This article will save you time on your testing and allow you to maximize your testing. Let’s hop into it!

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