“Is It Still Good?” My NAIC Run with Lost Box, and the Deck’s Place in the Meta

Welcome, Cut or Tap readers! I am Andrew Hedrick, excited to be back writing another article. Just a couple of weekends ago, the largest-ever Pokemon tournament outside of Japan took place at the North America International Championships in Columbus, Ohio. With nearly 1900 Masters in attendance, it was going to be a difficult challenge for anyone trying to place at the top. Cyrus Davis managed to take the tournament down with an unexpected Urshifu Inteleon deck that certainly benefited from a surprise factor, and the rest of the results left us with many additional data points.

Today I will discuss my run, my takeaways from the event, and how I expect the format to shift moving forward.

After upgrading to Stage 2 you will see the rest of Andrew Hedrick’s article, an audio file of Andy Hyun narrating this article, and a PTCGL friendly deck export at the bottom of the article:
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