“T.I. In ATL”: Tera Information for Atlanta Regionals

What is poppin’, Cut or Tap Subs! I hope you all have enjoyed the format previously, as now it’s finally time to move on. We have had a wild ride since our last rotation, and I want to give out some awards for the decks and cards that impacted my seasons in these formats. My “RIP to the GOAT” award goes to Radiant Greninja – … Continue reading “T.I. In ATL”: Tera Information for Atlanta Regionals

“Make it Snow:” Gholdengo’s Dominance into Vancouver

Welcome back, Subs, to another short piece by yours truly! I have felt quite stale about this format and deck choices, and this has made it hard to deep-dive into what I write. Hopefully this piece can give you some good lines and a solid safe pick for the tournament if you’re just looking to snag some points. My previous article advocated for Klawf/Terapagos as … Continue reading “Make it Snow:” Gholdengo’s Dominance into Vancouver

“Fiesta Crab”: Klawf Box for EUIC

Welcome back, subscribers, to our beginning coverage of the Prismatic metagame in preparation for EUIC. In this piece I will detail a deck that has been not only competitive but extremely fun to play. I’ve enjoyed its iterations throughout the Stellar Crown format, and now with some new inclusions, we can stand up to the rest of the format. We will go over new strategies … Continue reading “Fiesta Crab”: Klawf Box for EUIC

“The Tail End:” Stellar Crown Format’s End

Welcome back, Subs! I’ve had some distance from the computer as of lately and I’m excited to be writing for you all. Pokemon TCG has become quite stale when talking about the Stellar Crown format. With this in mind, it becomes harder to prepare for the upcoming tournaments that round out Standard pre-Prismatic Evolution. Birmingham, Rio De Janeiro, and San Antonio will have little impact … Continue reading “The Tail End:” Stellar Crown Format’s End

“The Meta Bridge Builder:” Archaludon ex and the Surging Sparks Meta

Welcome back, Subs! I’m happy to be writing for you all before this next tournament. We are just a few short weeks away from the Toronto Regionals, which I will be attending and hoping for a solid finish! Before getting into Archaludon ex, let’s go over the last two tournaments in this new Surging Sparks meta, as you all have not heard from me since … Continue reading “The Meta Bridge Builder:” Archaludon ex and the Surging Sparks Meta

“They Brought the What to Poland?”: Gdansk Rogue Finishes

Cut or Tap Subs, welcome back to another piece with yours truly about the Gdansk Regionals that took place this past weekend. Not only does this complete the major Regionals in the Stellar Crown format before LAIC, but it also completes just about half of the 2024-25 season. This format has had plenty of twists and turns with format giants emerging, while old friends resurged … Continue reading “They Brought the What to Poland?”: Gdansk Rogue Finishes

“Twin Tower Teras:” Two Stellar Format Giants

Welcome back, Subs and Pokemon TCG players! We have officially had the first tournament in the 2024/2025 season in Baltimore this past weekend. What was once thought to be a stale meta birthed plenty of interesting decks, not only landing throughout Day 2 but also into the Top 8. Before we start discussing Stellar Crown in this piece, I want to go over a few … Continue reading “Twin Tower Teras:” Two Stellar Format Giants

“Worlds Meta Update:” A Shrouded Fable Guide

Welcome back, Subs! I hope your trip to the islands was full of adventure, or you enjoyed the show that Pokemon provided for you at the World Championship. Once again, I regretfully inform you about another mediocre finish at the World Championship by yours truly. I played Iron Thorns ex with Pokemon Catchers, the same deck as the eventual champion, Fernando. I was only paired … Continue reading “Worlds Meta Update:” A Shrouded Fable Guide

“Two Shots”: Dragapult ex Expose

What’s good, Cut or Tap Subs! Hunter here again to give you my final piece for the 2024 World Championships being held in Honolulu, Hawaii. We are one week away from the most prestigious tournament of the year, and I couldn’t be more excited. This time, we’ll be going over two different approaches to the Dragapult ex deck which is quite versatile at the moment. … Continue reading “Two Shots”: Dragapult ex Expose

“Lost For Words:” My Final Lost Box List for Worlds 2024

Aloha, Subs! Back again for more coverage of the 2024 World Championship in Hawaii. I’ve been testing this format for seven weeks now, and I feel like I’ve covered all my bases on testing the top contenders. By those, I mean Charizard ex/Dusknoir, Gardevoir ex, Lugia, Lost Zone Box, Regidrago, and finally Raging Bolt. These six decks to me have felt the strongest for a … Continue reading “Lost For Words:” My Final Lost Box List for Worlds 2024

“The Apex Predator”: Regidrago Vstar

Crikey, Subs – I spotted the apex predator in its natural habitat! Welcome back to the site for our continued coverage of the 2024 World Championships. This time, we’ll be going over a deck that has practically had no viability above League Challenges prior to NAIC. Regidrago is a Pokemon that has certainly been searching for proper attackers and a well-oiled engine. I think we … Continue reading “The Apex Predator”: Regidrago Vstar

“Creeping Down the Block:” Intro to Charizard ex/Dusknoir

Boo, Subs, and welcome back to another article here on Cut or Tap! Finally the time has come for our lovely website to begin coverage of the 2024 Worlds format. Players across the world will undoubtedly start their preparations for the World Championship now that July has arrived. For those who are unfamiliar with the format, it will consist of the same sets legal for … Continue reading “Creeping Down the Block:” Intro to Charizard ex/Dusknoir

“Dodge, Duck, Dipplin, Dive and Dodge:” a Dipplin/Thwackey Guide

NAIC is upon us, Subs! While writing this, we are currently one week away from the big dance, and I couldn’t be more excited to compete. This is the largest tournament of all time, so we’ll be sure to see some amazing decks and players rise to the top. I’ve now been testing this format for close to two months, so once again I feel … Continue reading “Dodge, Duck, Dipplin, Dive and Dodge:” a Dipplin/Thwackey Guide

“Party in the Moonlight:” Initial Thoughts on Twilight Masquerade

Welcome back, Subs! I’m so incredibly excited to begin our coverage of the Twilight Masquerade metagame. I haven’t been playing the previous format because I didn’t attend Indianapolis or any of the other majors this past month. This has allowed me to focus on our upcoming format, which I will play in the biggest tournament of all time: NAIC. We’ll cover the decks I believe … Continue reading “Party in the Moonlight:” Initial Thoughts on Twilight Masquerade

“Water for Elephants:” a Look at Great Tusk/Dudunsparce

Crikey, Subs, I think there’s an elephant over there – lemme go touch it! I hope all of you have been enjoying this lovely Charizard-centric format. This past weekend, Pedro Pertusi, a friend of mine and one of the most prolific players of the modern era, became a three-time Regional Champion. Pedro played an extremely resource-intensive Charizard list, focused on the mirror and multi-card disruption … Continue reading “Water for Elephants:” a Look at Great Tusk/Dudunsparce

“I am Groudon:” Meta-Shaking Performance at Orlando Regionals

Welcome back Subs, to another special article from yours truly about my Groudon deck that I’ve continued to pilot throughout this season. I’m happy to say that I’ve amassed 1/3 of my invite with Groudon, and after my 36-point bubble at Orlando, I have achieved my invite to the 2024 World  Championship in Honolulu, Hawaii. I want to start with some shout-outs since this season … Continue reading “I am Groudon:” Meta-Shaking Performance at Orlando Regionals

“Heavy is the Crown:” Charizard ex, King of the Format

Welcome back, readers and Subscribers! Hunter here once again to talk about the mighty Lizardon – or Charizard for those who aren’t Japanese! I’m going to cover different takes on the current Charizard variants and where they fit into the meta. I’ll be listing some interesting tech options for certain difficult matches, and finally share with you all my Charizard list I have been working … Continue reading “Heavy is the Crown:” Charizard ex, King of the Format

“The Future Is Now:” It’s Just These Hands

Greetings from the future, subs! We are steadily approaching rotation and the release of Temporal Forces, which I couldn’t be more excited for. This past format has felt stale, with the top three decks being so powerful that your tournament finish will depend on your matchup roulette between them. These three – Gardevoir ex, Giratina Vstar, and Charizard ex – are not rotating from the … Continue reading “The Future Is Now:” It’s Just These Hands

“The Weather Man:” Gholdengo’s 2nd Place Finish at Dortmund

Whoop Whoop, Subs! Welcome to a show I thought would never get performed: the Gholdengo show. Dortmund Regionals has concluded, leaving some interesting decks in the finals. With no hesitation, I say that this tournament was an anomaly, meta-wise. We have been playing in the Paradox Rift Standard format for some months now, and I wouldn’t believe you if you said “Chien-Pao ex and Gholdengo … Continue reading “The Weather Man:” Gholdengo’s 2nd Place Finish at Dortmund

“Knoxville Recap:” 39th Place with Charizard ex

Welcome back, subs! I’m finally back from Knoxville Regionals, which was an amazingly smooth event, so shout out to Day 2 Events for that! In my previous article, I posted that I would be playing Lost Box Kyogre/Groudon, Charizard ex, or a rogue that I had been working on. Unfortunately, due to travel delays, I didn’t feel I had the mental power to pilot LZB … Continue reading “Knoxville Recap:” 39th Place with Charizard ex