“God is Real:” Arceus’s Creep Back Into the Format

Welcome back, Subs, and all praise to the most high! We’ve just finished this string of on-and-off tournaments, taking us from Portland to Charlotte then Liverpool, now heading into a double-Regional weekend for Melbourne and Knoxville. A fantastic time to be a Pokemon fan, and a tougher time to be a competitor. As stated over my last few articles, the meta has shaped up to … Continue reading “God is Real:” Arceus’s Creep Back Into the Format

“Master of Land and Sea:” My Unique Lost Box Variant

Sorry for the delay, Subs! We’ve had some small technical issues preventing me from posting articles after Portland and before Charlotte, so I’m excited to tap in with you guys! Some very interesting meta information has been developing, and finally we’ve reached a meta that seems to be close to RPS, or “Rock, Paper, and Scissors.” This refers to a meta where the top three … Continue reading “Master of Land and Sea:” My Unique Lost Box Variant

“Snowfall in Portland:” Two Cold Rogues

It’s a winter wonderland, Subs! Welcome back to another piece from Yours Truly, where I break down the slipperiest of slopes that is the Paradox Rift format. Portland Regionals is just a week away, and the meta is finally starting to become centralized. My last few articles have gone over top decks and ideas surfacing throughout the stabilization of this meta game. We’ve gone through … Continue reading “Snowfall in Portland:” Two Cold Rogues

“Professor Butler’s Analysis:” Updates on Paradox Rift Decks

Welcome back, Subscribers! San Antonio Regionals has just concluded, crowning Azul GG a six-time Regional Champion with his straightforward Charizard ex/Pidegot ex variant. From new decks to old, we’ve seen this meta take some twists and turns since its release. This time we’ll go over how some of these top decks have adapted to the new meta, while also taking a look at newer decks … Continue reading “Professor Butler’s Analysis:” Updates on Paradox Rift Decks

“The Lost Boys:” Lost Zone in the Paradox Rift Format

Greetings from the Lost Zone, readers! I’m back from my Amazon travels with minor rewards. I played Charizard ex/Pidgeot ex to a 282nd place out of 1300 players. Not the finish I wanted, but due to some unfortunate situations like playing with a 59-card deck, not calling a judge to reach a penalty on extra drawn cards, and losing to an unexpected Thorton in Chien-Pao … Continue reading “The Lost Boys:” Lost Zone in the Paradox Rift Format

“Shoot for the Stars and Land on the Moon”: The Paradox Rift Meta

The future is now, subs! Welcome back to another article, where I’ll be going over some new and interesting topics concerning the Paradox Rift Standard format. This piece will detail some of the biggest meta changes, cards that influence it, and my personal Roaring Moon list. We will also briefly go over a tier list for this new format, with some predictions for LAIC. I’m … Continue reading “Shoot for the Stars and Land on the Moon”: The Paradox Rift Meta

“Trials and Tribulations”: Dissection of Comfort Decks

Welcome back, subs! Coming off a mediocre 5-2-2 finish at Sacramento Regionals has me pondering the idea of what disadvantages you can face when you’re becoming complacent with a comfort deck. I’ve stated in previous articles that picking a comfort deck that is well-suited for the meta is mostly going to be that: comfortable. Skill, variance, and predictability are factors that will show more when … Continue reading “Trials and Tribulations”: Dissection of Comfort Decks

“City Bike’s Up”: Miraidon’s Road to Success

What’s happening, Subs! Peoria Regionals has just concluded, crowning yet another Lost Kyogre Champion from the land of poutine. As this piece is being typed, I’m headed to Sacramento to compete in my second Pokemon Regional of the year. Together, we’ll break down the results of the two American Regionals, why Miraidon has risen to a top contender, and my personal build. The Battle Styles-to-151 … Continue reading “City Bike’s Up”: Miraidon’s Road to Success

“The Pittsburgh Steal”: My Bubble Run at Pitt

As promised, I’m back with my post-Pittsburgh article, bringing you along on my 12th place finish at the largest tournament to date. I say “to date” because I expect Peoria to quickly break this record, so my accomplishment won’t last for too long. This tournament had its ups and downs, both before and also after. I want to start this article off by saying I … Continue reading “The Pittsburgh Steal”: My Bubble Run at Pitt

“Don’t Fix What’s Not Broken:” When to Break the Meta

Obsidian Flames is upon us as competitive Pokemon players, gearing us up for the start of the 2024 season. League Cups and Challenges have been posted across the states, alongside the online meta developing through large events like The Late Night. My focus of this piece is to detail two archetypes that are established but not brand new, using results and consistency to break through … Continue reading “Don’t Fix What’s Not Broken:” When to Break the Meta

“Turbo in Tokyo:” My 2023 Worlds Run

The largest city in the world enamored me with wonder. Lights that seemingly go on forever, followed by smells of street food. Cut or Tap Subscribers, this is how I describe Tokyo in a few sentences. Welcome back to the website! I have finally journeyed home from my two-week stay in the Land of the Rising Sun. Spending time in Osaka, Tokyo, Nara, Kanagawa, and … Continue reading “Turbo in Tokyo:” My 2023 Worlds Run

“Rolodex of Rogues”: Going for Broke in Tokyo

Konnichiwa gozaimasu, subs! I’m currently two days from traveling to Japan while writing this piece. With the majority of my testing for the World Championship completed, I wanted to share some ideas with you all. Decks listed in this article will be out of the ordinary, including obscure strategies and win conditions. Rogue decks have a special place in my heart; they have granted me … Continue reading “Rolodex of Rogues”: Going for Broke in Tokyo

“GOD DID”: Arceus’s Success and NAIC Recap

Many blessings, Subs! It’s been a short while since you heard from me, because life has been busier than ever. My job has been on overtime due to the summer months’ busy season, along with 100-degree heat keeping me quite exhausted. The largest tournament in history has concluded, giving us the first bit of data to look at for this new format. Only the World … Continue reading “GOD DID”: Arceus’s Success and NAIC Recap

“Champions Take Flight:” NAIC Preparation

Squawk and Seize the day, subscribers! Hunter back again, for another Paldea Evolved-format deck which hasn’t been talked too much about. I’ve now been testing the Paldea Evolved format for over a month, and feel very confident about the stance of many decks. This article will entail my thoughts on where the meta is for the largest tournament of Pokemon TCG history: the 2023 North … Continue reading “Champions Take Flight:” NAIC Preparation

“The Holy Grail”: A Tale of the Mighty Baxcalibur

Good morrow, ye olde subscribers – King Butler here to bestow upon you peasants the legend of the mighty Baxcalibur. Since the dawn of the Pokemon TCG, we have been blessed with the Rain Dance mechanic, birthing a plethora of game-breaking archetypes planned around this support option. Placed in this scroll, I will recall tales of old format monsters who need no introduction. We will … Continue reading “The Holy Grail”: A Tale of the Mighty Baxcalibur

“Shady’s Back, M&M”: A Look into the Meta that Birthed Meloetta/Mew

PLEASE STAND UP! M&M is back like he never left – the archetype that is. What’s good, Cut or Tap subs! Back with poetic justice, I have an overview of Meloetta/Mew (which I will refer to as M&M) with some interesting meta information that should help you understand why such an old archetype has taken over this new format. I’ll share some data from the … Continue reading “Shady’s Back, M&M”: A Look into the Meta that Birthed Meloetta/Mew

“Keep Pokemon Weird:” Portland Recap and a New Rogue

Salutations, weirdos! The first North American Regional in the Scarlet & Violet meta has concluded, breathing continued new life to the game. Included in my piece will be discussion on the first meta shift of this format, a shockingly effective brand-new archetype, and my personal take on this pile o’ cards. First, I want to include a quick shout-out to Andrew Hedrick, my teammate, for … Continue reading “Keep Pokemon Weird:” Portland Recap and a New Rogue

“ChrisTINA Aguilera:” EUIC List and Card Inclusions

Ello bruvs! Hunter here, back from the European International Championships held in London! “Exhausted” is an understatement from the past few weeks of testing and travel. I wanna get right into the content, starting with my deck choice for the tournament. After almost 130 games with decks ranging from Lugia Vstar Single Strike to Gardevoir ex, I ended up on Giratina Lost Zone Box, or … Continue reading “ChrisTINA Aguilera:” EUIC List and Card Inclusions

“One Punch Lug:” A Breakdown of the Single Strike Variant

Welcome back, COT subscribers! The final weeks of this Silver Tempest Standard format cannot come any sooner. Decks like Lugia, Mew Vmax, and Lost Zone Box have had a chokehold on the format, making meta calls mostly fever dreams – although I will admit that Galarian Weezing claiming both a Regional win and a 2nd place was not on my bingo card. If anything, this … Continue reading “One Punch Lug:” A Breakdown of the Single Strike Variant

“Pigs Might Fly:” A Short Guide to the Japanese Meta, and My Take on Oinkologne

What’s poppin’, COT subscribers! This time I’ll be escorting you through the most anticipated moment of the 2022/2023 season: our midseason rotation! Days have turned to months since Lugia’s chokehold on this format, and a breath of fresh air is severely needed. I hope I’m not speaking for myself as a rogue deck builder, but as a community member, when I say these last few … Continue reading “Pigs Might Fly:” A Short Guide to the Japanese Meta, and My Take on Oinkologne