New ideas & revisions to the previous ideas

Since posting An Archetype Collage I have done far more testing and coaching, leading me to condense and then expand the number of deck choices for Worlds. In the process of trying to cut out the bad lists and concepts, I ended up building new decks and exploring different variants of those decks. It’s been a while since the last article. That extra time allowed … Continue reading New ideas & revisions to the previous ideas

Garchomp Giratina Malamar in the Worlds format

Yo! As promised in the last piece, this article is covering the Malamar variant I prefer. The formatting is pretty similar to the last article with details about the list, techs, and other Worlds info. I also cover the general strategy of the deck, but this time with descriptions of match ups. Towards the end I briefly explain another variant of the deck focused on … Continue reading Garchomp Giratina Malamar in the Worlds format

PikaRom in the Worlds format

The first deck that should be on all of our minds when preparing for 2019 Worlds is PikaRom. The deck has a track record that outperformed any of the other archetype throughout this last season, it adapts to the coming format very well, and gains some new tricks. In practice the deck has only confirmed what my colleges and I had theorized: PikaRom sweeps close … Continue reading PikaRom in the Worlds format

Top picks for NAIC – Zapdos Buzzwole, Gardevoir, and ZoroGong

The North American Intercontinental Championship is starting in just a couple days and I have my top picks ready. No deck feels like it is a clear cut best option because of how diverse and open the meta seems to be. I have a different approach to how I feel the meta is changing for NAIC, which means my mentality for the event is not … Continue reading Top picks for NAIC – Zapdos Buzzwole, Gardevoir, and ZoroGong

PikaRom – Cut or Tap’s forgotten archetype

If you have kept up with my content from articles, to features on meta forecasts, to the IRL footage, you are probably very aware with my opinion on PikaRom. Recently I have been convinced to change my mind. The deck is consistent, hard hitting, and a solid meta-call. Once it became clear to me that ReshiZard actually is not a negative match up, my eyes … Continue reading PikaRom – Cut or Tap’s forgotten archetype

Updated options for Madison

Hey reader! Madison Regionals is coming up very soon and I wanted to update you all with my current lists for my top picks. This article goes over my exact lists for ZoroPersian, Granbull, Nidoqueen Meganium, and Zapdos. Why Granbull? The main issue Granbull has run into in the past was a terrible PikaRom match up, which is still present to a degree. The difference … Continue reading Updated options for Madison

Gardevoir GX Swampert: Rogue option for Madison

We have already covered Zapdos, Zoroark, and ReshiZard recently, so going into Madison there is not a whole lot of new info to talk about in that department. The meta we predicted was the meta we saw (with the exception of Shedninja) which means all of those articles are still quite relevant. It’s time to talk rogue! Most people think of the Tag Team when … Continue reading Gardevoir GX Swampert: Rogue option for Madison

Late May Stage 2 Membership & Coaching Sales!

Coaching Hey viewers, it’s time for another sale on Cut or Tap! Until the end of May our coaching rates will be about half of what they normally are. To be exact, these are the coaching prices for our Late May sale: Phinnegan Lynch: $13.50/hr Carter Barsh: $10/hr Hunter Butler:$10/hr Cameron Shenoy: $10/hr Coaching with anybody from Cut or Tap requires the player to have … Continue reading Late May Stage 2 Membership & Coaching Sales!

Zapdos Buzzwole

My last article covered ZoroKing and Cameron’s latest video went over ReshiZard, meaning the only deck in my top three picks that we haven’t posted about is Zapdos. Not too long ago Cameron and I covered the match ups and list in great detail, but the new meta means everything needs an update. This piece makes an argument for Zapdos, but more specifically this variant … Continue reading Zapdos Buzzwole

Cats and Dogs: Recreating Zoroark for Unbroken Bonds

Unbroken Bonds gave more possibilities to Zoroark decks than most players acknowledge. Persian GX, Dedenne GX, Lt. Surge’s Strategy, Marshadow, Dewgong, Koga’s Trap, Triple Acceleration Energy, and Mew are all potential additions to the deck. This means figuring out exactly how to build Zoroark for the new format is not an easy challenge to overcome. However, it also means there is potential for Zoroark to … Continue reading Cats and Dogs: Recreating Zoroark for Unbroken Bonds

Gameplay Analysis Episode 14 – ZoroKing Persian VS PikaRom Muk

Check out the two best of three series with an extra game in this video! Although we go through six games, the footage is only 45 minutes long because of how quickly PikaRom loses or wins these games. Does Zoroark have the power to beat PikaRom without any fighting attacker? Can the new build of PikaRom with a reliance on Basic Abilities deal with Muk? … Continue reading Gameplay Analysis Episode 14 – ZoroKing Persian VS PikaRom Muk

Expanded Zoroark Garbodor (Rewritten 5/3/19)

This article was initially released back in October of last year, but with not enough detail. That was when I was trying for the first time to make the deck tick after the Hex Maniac ban. ZoroGarb is the deck I am suggesting players pilot for Hartford Regionals this weekend making now a great time to rewrite this piece and post it. Any Expanded meta … Continue reading Expanded Zoroark Garbodor (Rewritten 5/3/19)

Germany Internationals Top Picks: Malamar, Zapdos Buzzwole, ZoroControl, and ZoroRoc

Caleb Gedemer and Hale Obernolte have put players Germany competitors in an uncomfortable position. There is a necessity to deal with these denial decks that did well in Denver, but tech’ing for these decks will most likely force your chances of beating other archetypes down. There are a few solutions to this dilemma. The easy fix to this problem is simply finding a new archetype … Continue reading Germany Internationals Top Picks: Malamar, Zapdos Buzzwole, ZoroControl, and ZoroRoc