Embracing a New Beginning: a Look into My Top Decks for Atlanta Regionals

Rotation is always one of the most anticipated things to happen in the Pokemon TCG. Even five or six months before rotation, it seems that people are already talking about what’s next. The future is what so many players look at. The future is now! It is time to dive into post-Rotation before the upcoming Atlanta Regionals. I am putting a lot of chips forward … Continue reading Embracing a New Beginning: a Look into My Top Decks for Atlanta Regionals

“Heading South of the Border:” Decks for Merida Regionals

Prismatic Evolutions might not have the most playable cards, but the ones that are playable have completely warped the Pokemon TCG. If you take a look at the metagame from two weeks ago and now today, it looks completely different. Who would have thought one little grass Pokemon could change so, so much in this game. Budew has begun its takeover, and with multiple events … Continue reading “Heading South of the Border:” Decks for Merida Regionals

My Top Three Decks for Birmingham and Rio de Janeiro Regionals

Welcome to 2025! I hope everyone had a good holiday season, and that you’re ready to get back to some Pokemon action. I have enjoyed the break from events, but I have been itching to get back to playing. 2024 was an incredible year for the Pokemon TCG that saw massive growth, and I am excited to see what happens this year. I will be … Continue reading My Top Three Decks for Birmingham and Rio de Janeiro Regionals

SmartTCG’s Top Two Decks for Toronto

Over the years I have played, the majority of formats have been dominated by a select few decks. I would watch decks take up 18-20+ percent of each format, and sometimes they would feel stale. In the year 2024, that is not the case. The Pokemon Trading Card Game is currently in one of the most diverse metagames that I have ever seen. Instead of … Continue reading SmartTCG’s Top Two Decks for Toronto

I Like Turtles! A Look into My Louisville Top 8 Terapagos Run

Terapagos is one of the most exciting decks I have played in a long time. The skill expression it has, and the ability to win almost any game, is really what made me fall in love with the deck. I most recently placed Top 8 at Louisville Regionals, and today I will be going over everything you need to know about the deck. When preparing … Continue reading I Like Turtles! A Look into My Louisville Top 8 Terapagos Run

“Turtles on Top:” A Look at a New Top-Tier Deck

The Pokemon 2024 World Championships just finished, and Iron Thorns shocked the world with its victory over Roaring Moon. There’s always that sense of early optimism at the beginning of the season. So many opportunities and chances to show off your talents, and players across the world chasing that elusive Worlds Invite. This season will definitely be tougher for the average player to make it, … Continue reading “Turtles on Top:” A Look at a New Top-Tier Deck

“Worlds in Paradise:” A Dive into SmartTCG’s Top 3 decks for Worlds

The Pokemon TCG World Championships are the pinnacle of competitive Pokemon. The best trainers from all across the world compete for the crown of World Champion. Ever since I was a little kid growing up in the community, it has been my ultimate goal to win the World Championships. As I write this 30,000+ feet in the air en route to Honolulu, I look back … Continue reading “Worlds in Paradise:” A Dive into SmartTCG’s Top 3 decks for Worlds

“Return to the Top:” a Look Into Charizard for the 2024-2025 Season

Hey, what’s up everyone! SmartTCG here. I hope many of you are enjoying a little break from real life major events. League Challenges and League Cups are quickly approaching, and I am excited to hop back on the grind for the 2024-2025 season! It always feels a little weird playing events for the next season in July, when the World Championships for the previous season … Continue reading “Return to the Top:” a Look Into Charizard for the 2024-2025 Season

Perfecting the Best Deck: Gardevoir ex for Vancouver Regionals

Gardevoir ex has been one of the most dominant decks since its release in Scarlet and Violet. As one of the most rewarding and punishing decks in the format, it has made itself one of the most infamous decks of the past year. I have been on an absolute tear with the deck recently. In the past four events I have played Gardevoir, I have … Continue reading Perfecting the Best Deck: Gardevoir ex for Vancouver Regionals

The Ultimate Charizard Guide

Hey, what’s up, Cut or Tap readers! SmartTCG here, and I am stoked to bring another article for you all! I hope you have been having a wonderful 2024, and I hope to have another content-filled year to share with everyone.  Today, I have a different style of article that has been widely requested. I have been paying attention to feedback on articles, and know … Continue reading The Ultimate Charizard Guide

“Journey to the Peak:” A Look into Miraidon for the Paradox Rift Format

Miraidon is on top of the world, and it continues to dominate the Standard format. What’s up, everyone! SmartTCG here, and today I am going to go over one of the current best decks in the standard format. As of right now, the format has been shifting quite a bit. Paradox Rift warped the format substantially, and things are looking quite different out on the … Continue reading “Journey to the Peak:” A Look into Miraidon for the Paradox Rift Format

The Tides Have Turned: Where Do We Go After LAIC?

Paradox Rift is the brand new set to come out, and the Pokemon TCG may never be the same. With the new set’s arrival, the game is feeling fresh again, and there are so many intriguing combinations of cards you can pair with each other. The Latin American International Championships just occurred this past weekend, where we saw Miraidon take down the entire event. This … Continue reading The Tides Have Turned: Where Do We Go After LAIC?

Returning to an Old Friend: Single Strike Lugia for Toronto Regionals

Hey, what’s up everyone! Hope you have been enjoying a month full of Pokemon events. In just the past few weeks, we have seen multiple Regionals take place, with Peoria, Sacramento, and Lille Regionals all crowning separate decks. In Peoria, we saw Lost Box Kyogre with the Zamazenta take down the event. In Sacramento, we saw none other than Lugia VSTAR return to the top … Continue reading Returning to an Old Friend: Single Strike Lugia for Toronto Regionals

“Burning Down Sacramento:” Charizard ex for the Upcoming Regional

I most recently got back from the Peoria Regional Championships, placing 38th out of over 1700 players, and I was able to collect a lot of data on the format, heading into the next major event: Sacramento Regionals! What’s up, everyone! SmartTCG here, and I am stoked to be writing another article for you all! Peoria Regionals just wrapped up, with Raymond Long taking down … Continue reading “Burning Down Sacramento:” Charizard ex for the Upcoming Regional

“Restart and Reload:” A Look into Mew ex

Pittsburgh Regionals has just concluded and Andrew Estrada strikes first blood, securing his Worlds invite and taking down over 1700 players with Lost Zone Kyogre. The 2014 World Champion reasserted his place as one of the very best, and the season is officially underway. Whats up, everyone! SmartTCG here, and today I am going to be diving into one of the best cards in 151, … Continue reading “Restart and Reload:” A Look into Mew ex

How to Do Well at the World Championships

What’s up, everyone! SmartTCG here, and I am stoked to be hopping into an article dedicated to your success heading into the 2023 Pokemon TCG World Championships. I have qualified for several World Championships, and I know what it takes to do well. I finished with over 1100 Points this season, and have automatically qualified for Day 2 of the World Championships. Now… what exactly … Continue reading How to Do Well at the World Championships

Lugia is back! A Look into my 19th place NAIC Lugia List

The biggest tournament run by TPCI of all time has concluded, and Cyrus Davis took down over 1800 players with one of the most unique decks in the format: Rapid Strike Urshifu and Inteleon VMAX. I most recently returned from the North American International Championships placing 19th, and I learned a lot about the metagame, and where the deck I chose to play leads into … Continue reading Lugia is back! A Look into my 19th place NAIC Lugia List

“A Psychic Embrace:” A Dive Into Gardevoir ex with Paldea Evolved

Paldea Evolved has finally arrived! Every time a new set comes out, it feels like Christmas for Pokemon players. What’s up, everyone! SmartTCG here, and I am stoked to be hopping into my first Paldea Evolved deck article today. I currently have been focusing a lot of my time on the Scarlet and Violet format, however with the brand new set, it’s time to shift … Continue reading “A Psychic Embrace:” A Dive Into Gardevoir ex with Paldea Evolved