Gameplay Analysis: Gardevoir ex VS Lost Charizard ex

Howdy, Cut or Tap readers! It’s Michael Perez, and I’m happy to be writing about a deck that I really enjoy and that is not Lost Box. I’ve played at least 2000 games with an assortment of Lost Zone variants, and frankly, it’s getting old. The 2023 season is almost at an end! Yokohama approaches hastily, and meanwhile I scramble to decide what I want to … Continue reading It’s Hailing in Paldea! A Deep Dive Into Chien-Pao/Baxcalibur
Note from Phinn: Michael wrote this article, but I have inserted some comments at different points throughout this article. Michael and I have tested this deck together extensively. Almost all of his opinions and gameplans for Kyogre are the same as mine. I planned on writing about this deck, but Michael beat me to it. Howd’y Cut or Tap readers! It’s Michael Perez. Some of … Continue reading A Storm Is Brewing Again
Logos Howd’y! It’s Michael Perez and I’m happy to share about what I believe is the most interesting engine and revived mechanic since the 2009-2010 era of Pokemon: the Lost Zone. The Comfey + Colress’s Experiment engine is so rewarding, punitive, and fragile. I’ve played over 500 games using a combination of Giratina Vstar, Kyogre CEL, Amazing Rayquaza, Radiant Charizard, and of course a handful … Continue reading Feeling Lost?
Foreword from Phinn Lynch Registeel Genesect is the perfect meta call for London, with positive matchups against everything in the current meta. This article is a quick read that covers the deck’s matchups and list. Michael and I worked hard on this list with some input from Connor Pedersen – who, by the way, is the best senior in the game – to come up … Continue reading Registeel/Genesect EX – Matchups and Deck Description
Hi, everyone! CutorTap’s Michael Perez, here with my first article. I have been on a hiatus from the game while attending school and getting settled with some life changes, although starting with the Anaheim Open, I’ll be playing again competitively for the 2018 season. Jumping back into the game is tough, so instead of trying to get a good idea of each deck and its … Continue reading Newly Identified Toxins – A look at Garbodor variants