Gameplay Analysis: Gardevoir ex VS Lost Charizard ex

Videos on are in full HD, and feature a variety of different content, such as live matches, deck profiles, informational pieces, and occasionally comedy.
After upgrading to Stage 2 you will have access to a video of Gabriel Smart & Nicholas Moffitt discussing Team DDG’s trip & performance at the Bogotá SPE (spoiler, we got the W!) Continue reading Cut or Tap Stage 2 Members Video Podcast – Bogotá SPE Recap ft. Gabriel Smart & Nicholas Moffitt
After upgrading to Stage 2 you will have access to a video of Phinnegan Lynch & Gabriel Smart discussing their top plays for the Portland Regionals coming up this weekend! Continue reading Cut or Tap Stage 2 Members Video Podcast – What’s the Play for Portland Regionals 2023?! ft. Phinnegan Lynch & Gabriel Smart
After upgrading to Stage 2 you will have access to a video of Andrew Hedrick & Nicholas Moffitt discussing the best post EUIC decks and rather or not Lost Zone is the BDIF for Portland Regionals and local League Cups/Challenges! Continue reading Cut or Tap Stage 2 Members Video Podcast – Is Lost Zone BDIF? ft. Andrew Hedrick & Nicholas Moffitt
After upgrading to Stage 2 you will have access to a video of Phinnegan Lynch & Gabriel Smart discussing the EUIC meta and their top picks! Continue reading EUIC Meta Discussion Part 2 Video ft. Phinnegan Lynch & Gabriel Smart (SmartTCG)
After upgrading to Stage 2 you will have access to a video of Phinnegan Lynch & Hunter Butler discussing the meta and their top picks for the Fort Wayne Regional Championships & EUIC! Continue reading Fort Wayne & EUIC Meta Discussion Video ft. Phinnegan Lynch & Hunter Butler
After upgrading to Stage 2 you will have access to a video of Piper Lepine, Nicholas Moffitt, & Gabriel Smart discussing the meta and their top picks for the Charlotte Regional Championships! Continue reading Charlotte Meta Discussion Video ft. Piper Lepine, Nicholas Moffitt, & Gabriel Smart
A game of the Lugia VS Lost Box Charizard match up. Michael Perez and I provide commentary about the match up and discuss the plays needed in the late game for Charizard to win. Continue reading Lugia VS Lost Box Charizard
This is a game of the Lugia vs Regis match up. Michael Perez and I provide commentary about the match up and explain the strategy to beat Lugia about 60% of the time, even when the Lugia player has Manaphy and Dunsparce. Continue reading Lugia VS Regis
Post Arlington Regionals, I have conceded to the meta. In other words, I am now only comfortable playing higher tier decks with strong engines. Mew, Lugia, Lost Box: these are archetypes with strong engines that offer high levels of power and a consistent support engine. Regis and Mewtwo also have engines, but not with the same level of resilience. I played Arceus Box at Arlington, … Continue reading Decks With True Engines
This is my first vlog posted on the site. I realize my camera angle is very poor, so next time there is a vlog I will avoid having the camera at such a low angle. Continue reading Toronto 2022 Regionals Vlog
Team Cut or Tap came up with a variant of Lost Box that is centered around Snorlax. This video is a best of three with Michael Perez playing Lost Box Snorlax against me (Phinn) with Tord Reklev’s Lugia list from LAIC. We commentate over the match discussing the deck and it’s potential viability. Continue reading Lost Box Snorlax VS Lugia VStar (Tord’s list)
When looking on Play Limitless, there was only one deck that seemed to have a genuinely favorable match up into Lugia. Surprisingly that deck is ZoroBox. If Lugia is as dominant as it currently appears to be and will be approaching 40% of the meta-share at Toronto, maybe Zoroark is worth considering. In this video I pilot both decks, playing against myself. This video was … Continue reading Lugia VStar (Tord’s list) VS Zoroark Stage 1 Box
In this video Michael Perez and I play a best of three match where I play my Regis list against Michael with Giratina Box. In my commentary I talk about how to play the match up from both sides, as well as general tips about playing Regis properly. I also cover a new tech I am adding to Giratina that makes the deck significantly better, … Continue reading Gameplay Analysis – Giratina Box VS Regis (Silver Tempest format)
Here are 6 games of the Arceus Goodra VS Giratina Box match up. This video is free because it is of a lower quality than other paywalled videos. Gameplay analysis will return as a series soon where there is a focus on how each deck should be played in a given match up with footage of the match up being played. Continue reading Arceus Goodra VS Giratina Box
Seems about time I post a video! Lately I have been more interested in writing than creating game play content. Starting with this post, I will be putting up the video uploads again. Video Coaching is a series where I play both sides of a match up. I explain how to approach the match up from each perspective, share thoughts about the lists, and explain … Continue reading Video Coaching Ep. 2 (ADP VS Malamar)
Check out my top two choices for Atlantic City face off against each other! Continue reading Gameplay Analysis Episode 19 – Malamar VS Blowns Naganadel
Check out our ReshiZard variant that takes advantage of some control cards to make the Blacephalon match up easier! Continue reading Gameplay Analysis Episode 18 – Ability ReshiZard Control VS Blowns Naganadel