VikaBulu Deck Profile

Videos on are in full HD, and feature a variety of different content, such as live matches, deck profiles, informational pieces, and occasionally comedy.
This video explains the list I played at a league cup to get top 4, as well as the cards I would change now. I also discuss what position I think certain decks have in the meta and what my top choices for Philly Regionals are. Continue reading Top 4 BuzzRoc + Meta opinion update
In this video I’m trying out my crazy Malamar list against Michael using my ZoroRoc list. I talk about why I have not included Mewtwo, I also cover other changes that I might make to the deck and what else I am testing. Some very close games; in two out of the three games you have no idea who will win until the last turn. Continue reading Gameplay Analysis Episode 11 – Malamar Box VS Zoroark Lycanroc
Yo! We’ve got a great best of three matchup that really displays the power of both of these updated decks in the new Standard format. The result of the match might surprise you! Continue reading Gameplay Analysis Episode 9 – Zoroark Garbodor VS Zoroark Lycanroc
I decided that this video is not the quality level I need it to be at for Cut or Tap Stage 2, so instead of it being Paywall protected, I have it up publically. For some reason, my program didn’t pick up the correct mic, and there were a couple other issues. Overall it didn’t seem like a video I was willing to make people … Continue reading Empoleon VS Magnezone – Public Episode of Gameplay Analysis
Hey trainers! In this video, I talk about the Gardevoir Sylveon VS Darkrai Zoroark matchup, over a best of three series Michael and I played. This is the eighth episode in a series where I analyze some of the more complex matchups of our formats. This video will feature lists from the Standard format (including Crimson Invasion), and you can find my Darkrai decklist from … Continue reading Gameplay Analysis Episode 8 – Gardevoir VS Darkrai Zoroark
Hey trainers! In this video, I talk about the Gardevoir Sylveon VS Garbodor/Espeon/Drampa matchup, over a best of three series Michael and I played. This is the seventh episode in a series where I analyze some of the more complex matchups of our formats. This video will feature lists from the Standard format, and you can find my Gardevoir decklist from this video in my … Continue reading Gameplay Analysis Episode 7 – Gardevoir Sylveon VS (Tord Reklev’s) Garbodor
Hey trainers! In this video, I talk about the Gardevoir mirror matchup, over a best of three series I played in top 8 of a League Cup. This is the sixth episode in a series where I analyze some of the more complex matchups of our formats. This video will feature lists from the Standard format, and you can find my decklist from this video … Continue reading Gameplay Analysis Episode 6 – Gardevoir Mirror Match
Hey trainers! In this video I explain the Yveltal Maxie VS Night March Marshadow matchup, over a best of three series using lists that you can see in my most recent article. This is the fifth episode in a series where I analyze some of the more complex matchups of our formats. This video will feature lists from the the Expanded format. Leave a comment telling … Continue reading Gameplay Analysis Episode 5 – Yveltal Maxie VS Night March Marshadow
Hey trainers! In this video I explain the Rayquaza Volcanion VS Decidueye Vileplume matchup, over a best of three series using lists that you can see in my most recent article. This is the fourth episode in a series where I analyze some of the more complex matchups of our formats. This video will feature lists from the Primal Clash though Burning Shadows format. Leave a … Continue reading Gameplay Analysis Episode 4 – Rayquaza Volcanion VS Decidueye Vileplume Ninetales
Hey trainers! In this video I explain the Turtonator Volcanion VS Gardevoir, over a best of three series using lists that you can see bellow the video. This is the Third episode in a series where I analyze some of the more complex matchups of our formats. This video will feature lists from the Primal Clash though Burning Shadows format. Leave a comment telling me what … Continue reading Gameplay Analysis Episode 3 – Turtonator Volcanion VS Gardevoir
Hey trainers! In this video Michael Perez and I explain the Gardevoir VS Vespiquen matchup, over a best of three series using a Gardevoir list from similar to the one from this article, and a Vespiquen list that you can see bellow the video. This is the second episode in a series where I analyze some of the more complex matchups of our formats. This … Continue reading Gameplay Analysis Episode 2 – Gardevoir VS Vespiquen Machoke
Hey trainers! In this video I explain the Garbodor Espeon VS Zoroark Umbreon matchup, over a best of three series using the Garbodor list from this article, and a Zoroark list that you can find here. This is the first instalment in a series where I analyze some of the more complex matchups of our formats. This video will feature lists from the current Standard format (no … Continue reading Gameplay Analysis Episode 1 – Zoroark Umbreon VS Garbodor Espeon
Phinnegen Lynch pilots Darkrai against Conner Pedersen using Decidueye Jolteon Vileplume! Connor is using the same list that had just won the Intercontinentals in Brazil, while Phinn is using his Darkrai list from his most recent article. Does Darkrai really have an autoloss to Jolteon Decidueye? You might be surprised… Continue reading Darkrai VS Decidueye Jolteon Vileplume
Apologies for the quiet commentary; I suggest putting on some headphones. I feel really good about my play between the three games. Michael Perez made a mistake on his last turn of game 3, but it let us play a third game. For the list I used in this video you can check out my deck profile here. Very minimal bad language, but we do … Continue reading Standard Darkrai Yveltal Mirror W/ Commentary